Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wednesday, Dec. 8th, my favorite tempo run

I started with a 5 minute barefoot warm up on concrete then laced up the Evo II's and hit the trails for a good hard tempo run. The progressive tempo run is my favorite run. In fact, it is one of the runs that the Kenyans do religiously, many times twice per week. Here's a good article at it:,7120,s6-238-267--11909-2-1-2,00.html

After a 30 minute warm-up, I moved into a progressive tempo of 3 miles of running at 6:38 pace. I was running at about a 7/8 effort level on a scale of 1-10. It was a nice comfortably hard run. The complete run, including warm-up, was 6.22 miles in 52:41. My form felt really good and I felt great.

On slate for tomorrow (Thursday) is a nice easy recovery run then I'll throw in another tempo run for Friday.